Be Creative
In these confusing days some of us find ourself isolated, be it by choice or imposed we are in one hell of a pickle. Some of you have kids and this whole situation caught us off guard. Last year I was offering at conventions blank “ Heroes and Villains and Sidekicks” templates to kids. The...
Off With Their Heads
Don’t stop screaming, protesting as best you can. Use your music, your voice, your art to let them know you are tired. Let them hear and fear you. Let them know you won’t tolerate their lies and corruption anymore. Make them an example to others.
The Political Drawings pt. 2 (#gobiernodementiras)
Finally, after 15 days of protest the governor resigned to his position. On July 25th of the year 2019, Puerto Rico woke up to a new reality, it was reborn. Even here in the states you could feel that new energy. The people spoke, the people were heard, their fury was felt, but the fight was not over.
The Political Drawings pt.1
In 2016 my mind started to change when the 45th president was elected. A lot has happened since then and everyday I ask myself “how? How did we end up here?” So I did the one thing I knew I could do; express how I feel through my artwork.
The Father of Lies
The father of lies, the deceiver, the shining one, the morning star. He is know by many names, the most common one is Lucifer.