It’s been a rough few weeks with all the Covid-19 situation. My wife and I have been following it since very early, so when it got here we weren’t surprised. We are prepped, we take the necessary precautions, but as days go by things start to get scary. The best way for me to deal with those scary thoughts that makes me anxious is by drawing and writing.
I have written down at least 12 pages for This Is Us, I finished a 6 page story for a friend called Tolath; Peculiar Accounts of the Seemingly Ordinary. I started working on an old script I started a few years ago with my friend Wilfred and I sketch out a new Dynamite sketch card set.
The most recent drawing was the Space Adventures, inspired in those 1940’s pulp magazines. With that one a few more ideas came to mind, so of course I was going to sketch it out. So here’s another pulp magazine inspired cover.

Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did creating it. Please stay safe, stay home.