And thank you for coming back! And to those that just got here and missed the previous post click here. Go ahead, I’ll wait for you.
As I promised in my last post, I will tell you about my experience and what I got out if it. To save time and not have you read a million words I will go through my favorite songs only. There will be some links to videos and pictures.
Where were we?
Here we are just walking out from meeting Papa Emeritus IV *insert excitment .GIF here* and we are ready for the show!
After taking a few minutes to grab a beer and compose ourselves, we headed to our seats. We were very close to the side of the stage and could see some ” of the behind the scenes. It was really cool seeing the crew putting the stage together almost flawlessly.

Harmonizing guitars start playing, curtain drops and with a loud bang the concert starts. A very energetic and catchy song, Kaisarion is a great choice to start the show. With moderately fast tempo, cool riffs and even cooler melodies, this track set the right mood. I’m getting goosebumps as I write this! In comes Papa in his new attire giving and amazing performance right of the bat! I will forever be amazed at his ability to perform such an energetic show in that outfit. And I add, he changes his outfit constantly throughout his performance.

For most of the show the the Nameless Ghouls and Papa would take turns standing in that corner in front of us. That compensated for having a bit of obstruction in our view.

I did take some pictures and short videos throughout the show. I’ll have those in a cool Tik Tok video.
The Ritual lasted about and hour and a twenty minutes, even tho it was short they delivered an entertaining and great show.
They followed with Rats and From The Pinnacle To The Pit this one, in my opinion has one of the coolest bass lines ever recorded. I’ve been wanting to hear this song live forever! I took a cool picture of the bass player.

Cirice is still the one song I go back too almost every time I’m in a bad mood so I was looking forward to listening to this one live. It did not disappoint!
Faith has one of the heaviest riffs in their catalogue and live was exactly what I expected. Heavy, melodic and straight to the point.
Zero Year and Ritual were explosive and hot and intense and dark and heavy and… I should stop now.
The ritual ended with Dance Macabre and Square Hammer after playing their version of Metallica’s Enter Sandman. These were a perfect way to end this show, with two energetic and upbeat songs right after a very nice version of a classic metal song. Add to this equation some colorful confetti (because nothing is more metal and satanic than confetti, everybody knows that) and you got one of the most entertaining rock/metal shows you will get these days.
After the the ritual we went want to get our anointed loot!

After that we walked out to a negative 5 weather and snow to wait for our ride.
This whole experience, from showing up at the venue a day earlier to freezing our asses off in the snow was amazing and I would do it again. Yes, even showing up earlier.
If you’re still reading this, I want to thank you for your time and reading through all this. Here’s a link to the setlist. Now go and listen to the new album, it was dropped today!